David and Goliath Dice
"David and Goliath" is a pair of dice with a curious property. Each die has pip values that add to 21, as in standard d6's. If you roll them and exclude ties, Goliath will have a higher value more than half (around 55%) of the time. If you roll them more than once and sum the results, excluding ties, Goliath always wins more than half the time, unless you roll exactly four times, in which case David wins more than half the time! (At least through 100 rolls; ; the winning margins are less than 1% for 3+ rolls.) Only available in red. Discovered by Ivo David and Yogev Shpilman.
5-Player Go First Dice
"Go First Dice" are a fun way to chose the order of play for a game, without having to worry about ties when rolling standard dice. This set of five 60-sided dice allows 2-5 players to each roll a different single die (picked arbitrarily from the set) with the following results:
1) There will never be ties.
2) Each possible ordering of the players has a mathematically equal chance of occurring.
3) The above conditions hold for every subset of the whole set.
After years of searching for a satisfactory 5-dice solution, a mathematically-challenging problem, this set was discovered by Paul Meyer. Includes a velvet Dice Lab bag.
4-Player Go First Dice
*** Currently out of stock. More on order, but may not allow delivery by Dec. 25. ***
"Go First Dice" are a nifty way to chose the order of play for a game, without having to worry about ties when rolling standard dice. This set of four 12-sided dice allows 2-4 players to each roll a different single die (picked arbitrarily from the set) with the following results:
1) There will never be ties.
2) Each possible ordering of the players has a mathematically equal chance of occurring.
3) The above conditions hold for every subset of the whole set.
There is some pretty sophisticated mathematics behind the design of this dice set invented by Eric Harshbarger, Robert Ford and James Ernest. Includes color instructions and a cloth storage bag.
3-Player Go First Dice
"Go First Dice" are a fun way to chose the order of play for a game, without having to worry about ties when rolling standard dice. This set of three 6-sided dice allows 2 or 3 players to each roll a different single die (picked arbitrarily from the set) with the following results:
1) There will never be ties.
2) Each possible ordering of the players has a mathematically equal chance of occurring.
3) The above conditions hold for every subset of the whole set.
This 3-dice set was discovered by Robert Ford. Includes a velvet dice bag.
Sicherman Dice with Pips
Sicherman dice are the only pair of dice marked only with positive integers that have the same probability distribution for rolling the numbers 2 through 12 as a standard pair of dice. They were discovered by Colonel George Sicherman and reported on by Martin Gardner in a 1978 article in Scientific American. The dice are labeled 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 and 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 pips (dots). Their uniqueness has been proven mathematically. Laser etched and hand inked. Available in brown, ivory, or one of each
Recast 2d6
Rolling and summing this pair of dice yields the same 36 possible results as a pair of standard six-sided dice. Sicherman dice are a well-known pair of six-sided dice marked with different integers from the standard d6 dice, but giving the same probability distribution for the pair. Recast 2d6 does the same trick, but adds an extra twist by using a d3 and a d12. Available in black and translucent amber.
New Twist on 2d6
This unique pair of dice yields the same distribution of the numbers 2-12 as two conventional six-sided dice (2d6). I.e., there's one way to get 2 or 12, two ways to get 3 or 11, etc. Roll the dice, then count the single number that appears on both up faces. Designed by Ali Muniz. Available in brown, blue, or one of each.
Non-transitive Set of 3 Dice
This version of non-transitive dice is based on a three-dice set. The first die beats the second in 25 out of 36 possibilities, the second beats the third in 21 out of 36 chances, and the third beats the first in 21 out of 36 tries.
Non-Transitive Set of 4 Dice
These dice work in a cycle, such that each die is beaten by another die 2/3 of the time. So no matter which die your "opponent" chooses, you can always choose a die that is likely to roll higher. This set is a version of Efron’s 4-dice non-transitive set, invented circa 1970 by Bradley Efron. This version has the advantage over the original version of not having a die with all numbers the same. The numbers are also arranged to maximize fairness, with the largest number across from the smallest, etc.
Non-transitive Grime Dice (10)
Non-transitive dice set discovered by Dr. James Grime of Cambridge University. This set has ten dice, two each of five different colors. With five dice, green tends to beat red, red tends to beat yellow, yellow tends to beat blue, and blue tends to beat purple. So you might think green is the best die and purple is the worst. But here's the twist: purple beats green, so there is no best! Even stranger, with two of each color, the order of which color beats which reverses direction. The dice are described in detail in this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4XNL-uo520. The set of ten includes color instructions and a cloth bag.
Non-transitive Oskar Dice
Non-transitive dice set discovered by Oskar van Deventer. This set consists of seven dice, each one a different color. If two people select any two dice at random, a third die can be chosen that beats both of them. Oskar describes the dice in detail in this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrIp6CKUlH8. Laser etched and hand inked. Includes a velvet bag for storage.
Permutation d6
There are six different ways of permuting or ordering three objects A, B, and C: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA. This d6 allows you to randomly choose a permutation for three objects. Laser etched and hand inked.
Compass Points d8
This eight-sided die has on its faces the compass points N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, and SW. Perfect when you're in the mood for a random walk! Available in blue, yellow, green or red.