Hyperbolic Fractal Tilings and Folded Structures

This page contains a video on folding fractals curves from strips of paper, and works on folding fractal tilings and hyperbolic fractal tilings in Euclidean 3-space. A template at the bottom of the page can be printed and used to form a radially-developing dragon curve. To see a digital artwork based on a hyperbolic fractal tiling, click here. There is a paper on the Papers page that describes several structures of this sort.

This video shows how to fold the Dragon, Sierpinski Arrowhead, and Terdragon curves from a strip of paper.

Below are four videos on folding fractal tilings and Pythagoran trees. The last movie shows some relationships between Pythagorean trees and fractal curves.

For a template that can be printed and used to form a developing dragon curve like that shown above click here.
For a template that can be printed and used to form a radially-developing dragon curve like that shown below click here.

All images copyright Robert Fathauer

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