Miscellaneous Walkable Structures

Simple-cubic Lattice

One can imagine walkable structures of other sorts, including lattices. The structure shown here is a portion of a simple-cubic lattice. A diamond-cubic lattice would also be possible and even simpler, with square platforms that connect four staircases.

Walkable Simple Cubic Lattice by Fathauer on Sketchfab

Double Stepwell Element

This structure is patterned after a side of an Indian stepwell but essentially doubles the number of steps per unit area.

Double Stepwell Test by Fathauer on Sketchfab

Walkable Fractal Pyramid

This pyramid is based on a fractal arrangement of porcelain cubes I did a few years ago. Building the pyramid requires four copies of the earlier arrangement.

Walkable Fractal Pyramid by Fathauer on Sketchfab

Subtractive Cubes Fractal

This walkable structure is created from the same fractal arrangement of cubes, but by subtracting it from a large cuboid corner

All images copyright Robert Fathauer

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